It was another year at Merriweather Post Pavilion for the 15th annual M3. As you know the weather in May in Maryland can be any way...
Garage Rock/Blues band 100 Watt Vipers make their comeback after a a few hiatus with the new EP “Wired For Power”. If you’re into blues rock,...
Ashes To Omens are a band from Georgia who’s latest single “Feed Me More” has a great sound to it. It reminds me of bands around...
Anyone who knows me, knows I have a huge soft spot for the band “Heart”. Of course Barracuda is an amazing song and has been covered...
Sum 41 came into Baltimore on their final tour, Bringing along with them The Interrupters and openers Joey Valence & Brea. Joey and Brea opened up...
Empire Extreme got to sit down and talk to Mercury of Priest when the band came into PA at LoveDrafts. The show was amazing all the...
It’s that time again. You know what time … it’s time for Heavy Metal/Big Hair.. and all things 80s. Yes it’s time for another family reunion...
“Departure Initiated” is the debut album of Phasers Engage. It’s a fun instrumental jam from outer space . I’ve never been a huge fan of instrumental bands....
Newcomers SCAREFIELD just released their debut album, “A Quiet Country.” Inspired by 80s horror movies, I thought that this sounded right up my alley, also combining...
This spring, Death Metal fans will be treated to an epic night of music on the ‘Cancel Culture Over North America 2024‘ tour. Death metal paragons DECAPITATED and...
GWAR invaded the Baltimore Soundstage once again bringing with them Fuming Mouth and Cancer Bats. Oh yeah and lots of blood. Fuming Mouth opened up the...
It’s been 2 years since I got to see Burning Witches for the first time at M3, then a couple days later with The Iron Maiden’s...
Where does the band name come from? Wanting to be the best version of yourself at all times. The name is a reminder to hold ourselves accountable. How...
IF BALTIMORE LOVES 2 THINGS ITS DOO-WOP AND SATAN. Last night at soundstage Twin Temple and Vowws brought a different kind of sermon to the stage....
Opening up was SNAFU. This was the first time seeing the band and they kicked the crowd up to a Frenzy right out of the gate....
Photos from 2018 Baltimore show ANYWAY YOU WANT IT JOURNEY ROCKED BALTIMORE MARYLAND ONCE AGAIN. Journey came into Baltimore with TOTO and put on a hell...