The legendary yellow and black attack descended on the city of black and gold in the form of iconic Christian metal band Stryper. The prolific musicians...
Princess Goes to the Butterfly Museum had their new 2022 tour begin in Baltimore MD. The band consists of Michael C. Hall, Peter Yanowitz and Matt...
The Crafthouse in Pittsburgh Pa was host to the Deliver Us 2022 tour featuring Darkest Hour, Zao and Bloodlet. The venue was bustling with fans as they packed in to see...
TONIGHT IN BALTIMORE..SATAN AND METAL COLLIDE AGAIN Anti-Christian pioneers Deicide came into Baltimore with Kataklysm, Internal Bleeding. This line up brought me back to my high...
I have always been fascinated by sideshow oddities/Carnival Freak Shows. I’m remember going to see Jim Rose Freak Circus and meeting a few oddities on the...
The Year is 2020. A pandemic has altered the reality of the music business. Bands have to adapt or be swallowed alive. Lacuna Coil enters this...
After Steel Panther single-handedly Saved The World during their first live-stream concert on June 7th 2020 from an undisclosed and sanitized space in Los Angels California,...