One of the most anticipated shows of the summer was Papa Roach’s summer tour this year. Along with them as the headliner they brought along Bad...
Photos by: George Archibald and Emmy Susani What a great day to see a show, as two monsters of rock Korn and Alice in Chains were...
Recently, the Pittsburgh Area gained a new member to the venue family, The Roxian Theatre. With opening a new venue, you have to bring in some...
IT WAS A WHITE WEDDING…BACK IN THE SUMMER OF 69!!!! Bryan Adams and Billy Idol are now on tour and stopped into the DC area to...
YOU WANTED THE BEST…YOU GOT THE BEST….KISS ROCKS DC.. KISS, who have been rockN and RollN since 1973, are one their “Final” tour and stopped into...
Summer seems to be flying by, so quickly that it’s almost to it’s ending. With winding down one of the biggest times of the year for...
I recently was extremely fortunate enough get a chance to check out the eighth studio album from the Massachusetts based metcore outfit Killswitch Enagage. Cutting right to the...
Good evening folks Anthony here again to tell you about a little show that rolled through our town recently. When we got the confirmation about this...
Empire Extreme got to do a phone interview a few months ago with LILIAC, the highly entertaining and super awesome band from LA. They are now...
We all know that Summer is one of the biggest times of the year for awesome concerts. It’s also the time that all the music festivals...
Legendary guitar hero Ace Frehley stopped off at Cleveland’s House of Blues on August 4th as part of his “Spaceman 2019” tour. Empire Extreme’s correspondent and...
So while I was waiting for the RBF show start I got myself an interview with Johnny Christmas the trumpet player and well let’s see what we talked about...
HellYeah is now on tour with their Celebration of the Life of Vinnie Paul. While they stopped into Maryland, Empire Extreme got to sit down with...
Stitched Up Heart is now on tour with Wilson, Through Fire and Like a Storm. Empire Extreme got to sit down with singer Alecia “Mixi” Demner...
3TEETH BRINGING BACK PURE INDUSTRIAL RAGE!!! 3Teeth led by singer Alexis Mincolla, are bringing back the good old days of Heavy Industrial music like bands Ministry,...
ARE YOU READY??? Korn came into Bristow Virginia at JiffyLube Live bringing with them Ho99o9, Underoath and Alice In Chains. Ho99o9 opened up but because of...