We would love to hear from you! If you have a question or concern please feel free to drop us a line.
Submissions & Promotional items
Please mail all materials to:
Empire Extreme
672 McCaslin Road
New Castle, PA 16101
or email:
info (at) empireextreme (dot) com
Staff Contact:
Please visit our Staff Page for individual contact info
(Please be advised that we can not release any of our staff member’s contact info beyond what they have supplied on the site. If you need to get a message to them and have exhausted the contact info on the staff page then we can forward a message to them on your behalf.)
info (at) empireextreme (dot) com
Drop Us A Line:
info (at) empireextreme (dot) com
ATTENTION Labels, Publicist, Tour Managers & Artists:
If you are contacted by someone claiming to be a part of Empire Extreme and they are not listed on our staff page, then they are NOT part of our organization and we can not vouch for their credibility nor take any responsibility for your interaction with them. If you are approached by somebody claiming to be part of Empire Extreme under these circumstances, please feel free to contact our Publisher: Josh Drespling at