Staff & Management of Empire Extreme
The staff of Empire Extreme is made up of a handful of individuals that live and breath music. Many of them have spent their entire lives working closely within some aspect of the music industry. Several are or have been in their own bands, others work in management, sound production and merchandise. Check them out and feel free to follow them on any of their social media outlets.
ATTENTION Labels, Publicist, Tour Managers & Artists:
If you are contacted by someone claiming to be a part of Empire Extreme and they are not listed on this page, then they are NOT part of our organization and we can not vouch for their credibility nor take any responsibility for your interaction with them. If you are approached by somebody claiming to be part of Empire Extreme under these circumstances, please feel free to contact our Publisher: Josh Drespling at

Josh Drespling – Publisher, Writer, Photographer, and Web Guy
Josh Drespling (AKA Tha Doc)
Josh, also known as The Doc is the mastermind behind Empire Extreme. He has a huge background in the print and design industry and runs his own marketing and design firm call Majesty Marketing. Along with being an accomplished illustrator and artist, he is also a successful journalist and photographer. He has seen his work published in some of the planets largest and most prestigious publications. By nature he is an “idea-guy”, but not one of those sit back and bark out order types, he would rather be down in the dirt making it happen. He has also been in several noteworthy bands that toured extensively in the Mid-west and North-east. Josh was also behind the launch and development of Kingdom Extreme Magazine, a sister publication to Empire Extreme.
Those who know him understand that there is no idea too big, and no obstacle that can’t be destroyed by the unconventional ideas falling out of the head of this man. Josh lives by the motto: “There has got to be a better way” and his work and innovations prove that statement to be true.

Jason L Nelson – Lead Photographer and Visionary
Jason L Nelson
Jason is one of those people who everybody knows and no matter what your situation or your position in life he is able to make you smile. He has professed that as a youngster he wanted to be a stand-up comedian, but since that dream never came into existence he is content to make people laugh on a more personal level.
He is an extremely accomplished photographer with a passion for music and capturing those moments of pure energy and expressionism with his camera. He has produced mountains of amazing shots of every rock star and celebrity that you can name. He has a list of published photos so long that even he can’t remember half of them.
Aside from his passion for the camera Jason also has some interesting hobbies. One is that he is pen-pals with a number of the planets most “infamous” people (seriously, his mom used to get mad at him because these people would send letters to her house and thus know where they lived). Someday he will find the time to put together a book of all those letters and stories.
Other pursuits that keep Jason out of trouble are his never ending quest for celebrity autographs, being a die hard wrestling fan, and an avid music collector.

Managing Editor
Ron S. (AKA P.)
Ron or simply “P” to some has been in love with all aspects of music since a very early age. He has been a part of various bands and groups spanning just about every genre imaginable. He has also spent many years being behind the scenes of the music industry. From being a musician, a fan, and an industry insider, P has built up a vast collection of useless information, when combined with his love of writing creates a whimsical and harmonious blend of information and entertainment.
With a keen eye for talent and a love for the underground, “P” has no fear to go where nobody dares or wants to go. He is in the trenches working on the scoop and digging for the information about the newest artist before they break or working an angle with a veteran artist you know and love. Never one to back down from an assignment, “P” is always game for a challenge.

Writer / Photographer
George Archibald
George Archibald has been a metal connoisseur for many years starting with working at his local CD store in town, On Cue. The CD store opened up a collection of music that would have remained a mystery to him otherwise. This inclusion, paired with his musical abilities shaped his taste for the underground scene. George spends his time looking for up and coming bands that are pushing the envelope of the extreme metal genres.
You may also know George from the local music scene as he has been in several bands that have played throughout the Eastern Ohio and Central/Western Pennsylvanian areas. An experienced guitar player for over 25 years now, he likes to review music not only from a fan standpoint but also from a musician’s perspective. He also brings this point of view to his band interviews having experienced some of the same situations as the musicians he is speaking with.

J.J. Ulizo – Pittsburgh Area Staff Writer
J.J. Ulizio
JJ considers himself to be the luckiest guy for being given the opportunity to write for Empire Extreme. He is a lifelong music fan of all genres, he made his first mark on the local music scene by starting the (currently defunct) Rockshow Productions in the Beaver County area outside of Pittsburgh. He also continued his foray into local music by fronting his own band, Pittsburgh metal-core act, New Shores Burn(currently on hiatus).
Eventually crossing paths with Tha Doc and falling into his position in the original run of Empire. JJ would send Tha Doc more and more local bands in hopes that they would get coverage. Eventually he was told to “just do it and that it would be published”.
More recently JJ has been begging the powers that be for more hours to be added to the day as he lives on caffeine and tries to balance his two jobs working in EMS with going to school, and continuing to think of himself as the luckiest guy on Empire Extremes staff for getting to meet and interview the musicians he loves.
JJ also uses snapchat and live snaps from the shows he is fortunate enough to cover. If you are interested in following him there for music related “stories” or just random other things that happen to fall out of his brain you can look him up at jj15059

Anthony Bernardi – North Coast Staff Writer
Anthony Bernardi
What’s up everyone, my name is Anthony aka Klownz. I thought I would give you all a little 411 on who I am.
Music has and is a big part of my life. I remember jamming out to The Moody Blues with my dad. One day in particular he looked at me and said, “Son you can hear music, but you’ll never truly understand it unless you feel it”. That still means a lot to me today, especially when I pick a band. Music to me is the only thing that all the cultures around the world have in common. Currently I am learning to play the drums again and also writing songs. I have always gone to music for my inspiration, to relax, or to get my blood pumped. My family and I live in Minnesota, where we pride ourselves on our music festivals, mosquito,s and casserole dishes. Music has heavily influenced my life and also my family’s. I have over 300 plus shows under my belt, and I can only hope to give you all some in depth interviews, and killer access to shows here in the Midwest.
As they say Catch you on the flip side! Klownz
Elena Bottles
When she was 19, Elena’s family opened a music venue, The Fallout Shelter, underneath their bowling alley in Aliquippa, PA, propelling her into the local music scene. As the venue’s bartender, she quickly made friends with the punks and metalheads who flocked to the place and, as a photography student, turned her camera on them. Music quickly became one of her favorite subjects to shoot, both at live shows and for band promo pictures, though many other styles can be found at elena dee photography. She is proud to have her work featured on multiple albums, in magazines, and online.
Elena lives in western PA with her husband, whom she met when his band played her venue, and three cats. Along with photography, she enjoys knitting, flesh suspension, and flea markets.
Shelby Tyce
I’m Shelby and I’m from New Castle, PA. I’m quite new to the music scene and industry and I’m very excited to see where this adventure takes me. I am a graduate of Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School where I studied as a media major with a primary focus in photography.
I also own and operate my own photography business called Tyce Photography.
Alyssa Varner
I’m currently in the medical field, working at a hospital on a telemetry floor. Taking care of people is a very important part of my life. I’ve been doing it so long it just comes naturally!
I am 25 years old, so I’m always trying to be adventurous with my close friends. We like to go to concerts, EAT, shop, and obsess over makeup. Music has always been there for me, it makes me happy, and has never let me down. There is nothing better then experiencing your favorite band or discovering a new artist. When I asked the infamous “Tha Doc” if I could join his team… he didn’t hesitate. I’m so excited and “extremely” happy to be apart of something so great.
Andy Jillson
Andy Jillson is a freelance photographer, writer, and music blogger currently residing in Silver Spring, MD. Andy is a self-proclaimed music “nerd.” Music is his religion. He’s loves hard rock, metal, and industrial music, but can also school your ass on bands like The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Cure, Nirvana, Radiohead, Blur, and The Mars Volta.
Andy’s been photographing concerts in his free time since 2013. The first few bands he photographed were The Flaming Lips, Dead Kennedys, and Ministry. Since then he’s been hooked on the photo pit.
Marley Hein
Bio coming soon!

Scott Massie – Writer & Columnist
Scott Massie
Bio Coming soon!
Brian Altman
Brian is what you would call a free spirit. He has a keen eye for the unique and often unseen photographic angles. He can often be found with camera in hand after wandering into a place he is not supposed to be, having an hour long conversation with a complete stranger.
Aside from photography, Brian is a painter and owns his own business Baltman Painting Company. He is also a drummer, a father, a brother, a son, and a Bearded and Tattooed cat dad.
“Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed, and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a DIFFERENT DRUMMER. Let him step to the Music which He hears.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
Ian Sallese
Bio coming soon!

Paul Hammond – Writer
Paul Hammond
Bio coming soon!

Ross Jacobs – Silent Majority
Ross Jacobs
Ross is indeed the silent majority. He handles the back end of things, the finances, the phone calls, the back room deals, and the enforcement. He and Josh have worked so closely over the past few decades that many have developed a theory that they are the same person. But we can assure you that without the help of Ross and his keen mind, much of the success that Empire Extreme has achieved would have never been possible.
Bottom line, if there is a problem, he solves it. We leave it at that…
ATTENTION Labels, Publicist, Tour Managers & Artists:
If you are contacted by someone claiming to be a part of Empire Extreme and they are not listed on this page, then they are NOT part of our organization and we can not vouch for their credibility nor take any responsibility for your interaction with them. If you are approached by somebody claiming to be part of Empire Extreme under these circumstances, please feel free to contact our Publisher: Josh Drespling at