CD Reviews
STRYPER – The Final Battle

Release date: October 21, 2022
Oh my goodness! The album opens with Michael Sweet’s voice in top form, belting out a hair-raising scream that could wake the dead and make any true metal fan stand at attention to salute the undisputed master of metal vocals. This opening bellow makes this album worth the purchase price ten times over. Not to be overshadowed by the first few seconds of this opening track titled “Transgressor” the remainder of the 4:25 opus is chalked full of crunchy metal riffs, gang style vocals, and multiple speaker destroying shrieks from Michael. The guitar solo, which sounds to be another stellar twin guitar attack by both Oz Fox and Michael Sweet tears through the middle of the piece leaving you yearning for more and more of their guitar virtuosity.
If we stopped right here, this one song would be enough to make this one of the top metal releases of the year. It has been a very long time since I heard a song that hits all the markers in the way this initial track from Stryper does. In an era of cookie-cutter bands, YouTube artist, and trend following musicians, Stryper has put out an album that has made me, and hopefully you, excited about music again.
The Final Battle picks up where its predecessors No More Hell To Pay (2013), Fallen (2015), God Damn Evil (2018), and Even The Devil Believes (2020) left off. The Final Battle has elevated the bands song writing and musicianship to a significantly higher level. In the past decade of career rebirth they have developed a pronounced heavier sound in comparison to their classic style. Yet somehow manage retain the vocal and guitar melody that we have come to love, and frankly expect from Stryper.
The second track is “See No Evil, Hear No Evil” which opens with a Black Sabbath style guitar riff that is coupled with the classic squeal that Styper has made distinctively their own. This is undoubtedly produced using the Washburn V2FR Michael Sweet Signature guitar. This guitar angst in layered with thunderous drums from Robert Sweet and a pounding bass line that makes your head start to bob before you even know it. The second guitar joins the rhythm and takes the song to a haunting level before the lead vocals piece the palette of sound. Once again the song is dominated by guitar prowess that is pronounced with a solo around the three minute mark, followed by a guitar piece that has a mid-eastern feel to it.
Next up it the crunchy “Same Old Story” that opens with a riff that would make the late Eddie Van Halen proud. As this song progresses it feels more and more like a classic Stryper track. I could hear this song on Soldiers Under Command or even Yellow and Black Attack. The loud and proud chorus is quite reminiscent of that time period for the band.

The fourth track “Heart & Soul” starts with a guitar sound that will make you think of Anvil, Loudness, Accept, or even Quiet Riot. This straight ahead rocker features an amazing solo, hook, and metal screams that would make Rob Halford blush.
“Near” is up next. This track slows the tempo down a bit, but still manages to rock hard as Michael exclaims “That’s why I need you to be near, that’s why I need you to be here.” And as you suspected a stellar solo drops in your lap mid-song. This quick solo reminds me of another late and great guitarist, Randy Rhoads.

Yes, Stryper is unequivocally a Christian band and their faith and love show through in every aspect of their art and career. I know that scares a lot of you, but this and many of their previous album are so genuinely good that you are seriously depriving yourself if you shy away simply due to their beliefs. I have met the band several times. I have interviewed Michael multiple times and had the opportunity to interview Oz several years back. I can say with a clear conscience that these men are the real deal. They have migrated through four decades of the music industry with every ounce of their integrity and musical talent intact. /rant
Next up is “Out, Up & In” and it has a more simplified sound with lyrics about the end times, the Tribulation, the Rapture and celebration. The song has a bit of a punk-rock feel to it, but is distinctly Styper at every turn.
Falling in order is “Rise To The Call” a fasted paced anthem that reminds me of Yngwie Malmsteen, Dokken or Grimm Reaper. Followed by a more groove oriented song “The Way, The Truth, The Life” that adds some more dimension to the album. It has a unique and sharp delivery of the lyrics in the verse and a of course a soaring solo.

Track nine, “No Rest For The Wicked” could be pulled from Warrant’s “Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich” album right down to the Janie Lane style vocal delivery.
“Till Death Do Us Part” is the only track that I could say anything negative about. Honestly (no pun intended) it is a quality track, but placed along side such an amazing selection of other songs it fades by comparison.
Ashes To Ashes closes the album with a giant exclamation mark, letting the world know that Stryper is here to stay and that they much more than a 80’s glam metal band that tosses bibles into crowd.
Overall this is an amazing release. The vocals of both lead vocalist Michael Sweet and “helper” Oz Fox are spectacular from beginning to end. At this point in their career vocalist seem to shy away from such vocal acrobatics, but not Styrper! They have embraced it with full force and have raised the bar for not only bands in their genre, but musicians across the board. It also goes without saying that the guitar work on this album is stellar. They are running like a finely tuned, classic mussel car cruising the highway at 100mph.
The Final Battle – Track Listing
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
Same Old Story
Heart & Soul
Out, Up & In
Rise To The Call
The Way, The Truth, The Life
No Rest For Wicked
Till Death Do Us Part
Ashes To Ashes
Total Run Time: 46:23
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CD Reviews
Marilyn Manson is Back

Marilyn Manson just released his 12th album “One Assassination Under God-Chapter 1” on November 22nd 2024.

This album in my opinion is the best album Manson has put out since Holy Wood. It has a feeling of albums old and new with little hints of Antichrist Superstar, Mechanical Animals and Holy Wood.
The album opens up with “One Assassination Under God” which just gets you ready for what’s to come. With Manson Just finishing his tour, This is the Manson we have been needing for years now. He looks good and sounds great.

Putting out a few singles from the album , the overall feeling of this album is great. It’s been a while since I’ve like a full album of Manson, while this album isn’t perfect it’s as close as perfection of those early albums were. Of course I love the singles “As Sick as the Secrets we Keep” and “Raise the Red Flag” but I also really enjoyed songs like “Death is not a costume”, “Nod if you understand” and “Sacrilegious”

I think this new chapter of Mansons life and music is exciting , I hope we get more tours in 2025 and maybe some over the top stage shows like we did in the late 90s early 2000s. I feel the younger generation hasn’t experience a real “Full” on Manson show yet and it’s time for the King to take back his throne at the top of the Shock Rock mountain.
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CD Reviews

I remember when this album came out in 1994 . I was 15 and really discovering all types of music. As being a typical teenage boy I seen the band name “Bush” and thought hmm I love bush, let’s check it out. It was such an amazing album from beginning to end.

The new released vinyl that just came out on November 17th is such a testament to this album being as great then as it is now. Listening to the vinyl just brought back so many memories of being an angst teenager that just wanted to heard. The vinyl package is amazing with lots of photos of the band throughout the years and the sound of the vinyl is so pristine.

I got my hands on the opaque red vinyl and just looks awesome spinning on the player. It’s crazy to think that this album has so many hits and no filler songs, even the songs that didn’t become hits are just as good as the hits.
With the hits being “Glycerine”, “Everything Zen” , “Comedown” “Little Things” and “Machinehead” but some of my favorite songs are not the hits songs like “Swim”, “Bomb” and “Alien” which is probably my favorite song on the album. If you’re a fan of Bush or this album or just want to dive into the mid 90s Grunge/Post Grunge era this is a key album to have in your collection.
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CD Reviews

Alice In Chains have Re-Released the 2009 album on vinyl. This album was the first Alice In Chains in 14 years and the first album with guitarist/singer Willam DuVall after Layne Staley passed away in 2002.

I was a huge Alice In Chains fan and was a big fan of both Layne and Jerry. When this album first came out I remember sorta pushing it the side only cause of sadness about Layne but after hearing “Check My Brain” I gave it a chance and was so glad that I did. This album is amazing and really put Alice In Chains back into the mainstream.

The vinyl not only looks super awesome but sounds amazing. If you’re a fan of Alice In Chains and into collecting Vinyl, this album is a must in your collection. It’s a great packed vinyl with 2 vinyls included.

Side A: All Secrets Known, Check My Brain and Last of My Kind. Side B: Your Decision, A Looking in View. Side C: When The Sun Rose Again, Acid Bubble, Lesson Learned. Side D: Take Her Out, Private Hell, Black Gives Away To Blue
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