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Tales of a Crestview Kid




A Memoir of a Teenage, Horror Loving, Heavy Metal Lesbian – A talk with author Tammy Germani

Imagine if you will the quintessential rust belt town, immersed neck deep in poverty. A city that industry has forgotten and that emptiness is written across the faces of the generations of lifelong residents. New Castle Pennsylvania is that town, a town that has a “rubber band effect” on all those who have made it beyond its borders. A town that is riddled with vacant buildings and government funded housing. 

However as you venture deeper into the neighborhoods and the side streets you will discover a vibrant mix of inhabitants. Those inhabitants, the taxpayers, the families, the freaks, the junkies, and the plain weirdos are what give New Castle, Pennsylvania its infamous reputation. It is from these streets that many a tails have been woven. Some of these tales are true, some have landed people on the wrong side of the law, and some of the tales remain unspoken in mixed company.

One of those home grown “inhabitants” turned California transplant is Tammy Germani. She has recently released a book titled “Tales of a Crestview Kid”. This book weaves a series of coming-of-age memoirs from New Castle, which is perfectly summarized by the book’s subtitle “A Memoir of a Teenage, Horror Loving, Heavy Metal Lesbian.”

I got to sit down with Tammy on the back porch of her mother’s house in the Croton neighborhood of New Castle. We reminisced about the days of our youth and growing up in New Castle. We also talked about her life experiences along with her giving some insight about the book.

First off, congratulations! I saw the book was up to #19 on Amazon in the LGBTQ+ biographies and in the 11,000s overall.
Yeah! That’s great. I had no idea that it was that many. I’m doing my best to stay off social media. I just sit and revel in it. I went and had a couple drinks as part of my celebration last night. Now it’s going to take me an entire month to recover because I’m old, and that’s how it works now.

Growing up in New Castle, how does that small town mindset translate to the big bad city of Los Angeles?
It’s definitely one of a kind, and that is why I wrote the book. I tell stories while I tour doing all this stuff in the music industry. We will have our down time after a shift and after driving all these rock stars around. I will start telling stories, and the people around me are looking at me and saying, “Where the hell are you from?” Then they are like, “You have some weird stories.” I guess so; I guess weirdness just follows me everywhere.
I try to explain that New Castle is like Kentucky meets the Bronx. Even in the way we speak, our slang, dialect, and the accent is a cross between a New York wiseguy and some trailer park trash. When I left in 1995, it was like Saturday Night Fever meets Twin Peaks, but now it’s more Duck Dynasty meets Jersey Shore. It went from two cool worlds colliding to two uncool worlds colliding.

Being in these large metro areas, is there something about New Castle that you wish these places had?
Oh Yes! Pizza Joes!   Augustine’s too. I miss the actual Augustine’s [not the frozen] and DeRosa’s Bakery. Their fresh bread was the best. So, yeah, there are things like that, but there is really not much like that around here anymore. You know, that feeling of “I really can’t wait to get home for this.” There is none of that anymore. The book is written from the 70s through the 90s, and there was so much in those times, but now it is literally a rustbelt. There is nothing left and nothing to do. Our drug problem is off the chain. I don’t blame people for being drug addicts. What else are you gonna do around here?

In that same vein, were there any stories that you left out or were forced to self-edit?
Oooh yeah. There were a lot of things that I was like, “I know I’m gonna get my ass kicked.”
All the names have been changed?
Oh yes, all the names have been changed. There are only two names that remained unchanged in the book aside from my family, because I couldn’t really change those. There were a lot of things that I thought about and said, “Mmmm that’s probably not a good idea to write about that.”

So, yes, there were some things I had to cut out, ‘cause this place is not afraid of handing out ass-whippins.

Speaking of ass whippin’ Crestview, where most of your book is based has changed its name to Oak Leaf Gardens and this week just like 20 plus years ago there was an ‘event’ there. Apparently, there was a man and a woman fighting for whatever reason. She was on a couch, and he flipped over the couch and caused her to break several vertebrae and is currently paralyzed. So new name, same game.

Sheeze. You can change the name of that place all you want. It’s built on an Indian burial ground or something. Get a bunch of broke people together and somethin’ gonna happen.

What has been the most overwhelming or surprising response you have gotten about the book?
I’ve been getting a lot of “It’s really good” responses, and I’ve been waiting for the “meh” or someone to say something shitty. I mean, I graduated from Vo-Tech and my grammar is not the best, but I had it all proofread and edited. Writing is not my wheelhouse. Playing drums, punk rock and heavy metal bands is what I do.

I started to write a tell-all about the rock stars I work for, but I felt I needed to write about where I’m from to lead up to this. I just can’t hit the ground runnin’ and talking shit. Once I started writing about where I grew up and Crestview, I realized this was much more entertaining than who the prima donna of this band is and who is having a meltdown over here. I have those types of stories for days about some of the biggest names in rock-n-roll. I have had to sign so many NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreements).

Well, that was one of my questions. What made you want to release these stories out of your head and into the wild?
I initially wanted to do a tell-all book about these rock stars and throw everybody under the bus. I’ve been doing this gig for 20 years, and I didn’t care. I’m over it. And thought it might be hurtful to some people, and I don’t want to be like that. Although some of them kinda deserve it. But I didn’t want to be a home wrecker and do something terrible. Plus, I thought Crestview was way more entertaining. Once you read it, I think you will get a kick out of it.

You briefly mentioned your employment in the music industry. Tell us about being all over and working as a PA, a runner, a driver, etc.
I was just working Punk Rock Bowling with Rancid. I was there one day, and my brother called and said, “Mom is in the hospital,” so I hopped on a plane and came home.

I started out booking punk rock shows in LA. Local bar shows, like the Garage, El Cid, and Bar Delux. All the punk rock kids were stagehands, and that’s how I ended up pushing gear. I hated unloading and loading trucks, setting up, and pushing gear. Hated it! I was like, “What’s this runner thing? You just go spend other people’s money? I’m in! Where do I sign up?” So I ended up doing that for a long time and began working music festivals and artist transportation. I used to have a thing called Pit Fire Productions. It was me and my friend Jasper. She is the head of transportation for a lot of music festivals, like Bonnaroo, Life Is Beautiful, Coachella, Stagecoach, and all these big festivals. She said, “Just come work with me, be a driver.” So, I closed down doing the punk rock show in LA and have been doing that, driving around a lot and listening to them talk-shit. It’s funny, those rock-n-rollers will tell it all to each other, but I’m right there thinking, “I can hear you.” Everything, I hear it all. I hear about you cheating on your wife, and I don’t know if this girl is of age.
I’m like, “You don’t know me. Shut up.” Aside from that, most of the people I work for are great. I only have a few bad stories. Most of them have been really cool. There is much more positive than negative. More often, it’s not even the artist, it’s their people. It’s that rigger guy, or the stage manager dude, or whatever. It’s never really the band.

Back to the book, which you self-published. What was the biggest fear about taking that step aside from being afraid nobody would read it?
Back in LA I went to a bookstore I used to work at, and I asked if I could do a signing there. They were like “eerrrr self-published… I don’t know.” But it looks like they are gonna do it and I’m waiting to hear back from The New Castle Public Library. Also have one in Boardman, Ohio along with one in Parma, Ohio which is in the Cleveland area. I’m working on some things for the West Coast too.

I think I got sidetracked. What was my fear? I kept getting rejected by publishers, because nobody wanted a memoir. It is kind of narcissistic to write about yourself. I kinda feel like an ass writing about myself, but that’s what I know the best. I was getting bummed out from the publishers and just decided to put it out myself. I’m still able to have a publisher take it over if it comes to that. I just have to suspend everything with Amazon. Now it is something tangible, something to hold in your hand. At first I kinda got big headed and I wanted a publisher, but with all my bands we put out our own stuff. I never had a problem doing that before; I don’t know why I thought that way now.

Is there a part 2 in you?
Oh yeah. For sure. That is definitely going to happen once I leave here and head back to LA. But it’s going to be fun, because I can’t remember anything. I mean I was drunk or on drugs. I was in a complete blackout for all the 90s.

That is actually one of the things I wanted ask you. How is it that your write? I mean are you like “Oh I remember this” and start jotting down notes?
Yes, I will be with friends and remember things, but they are just as wet-brained as me. I’ll start telling them this or that happened and they are like “No it didn’t” and I have to tell them “Yes it did!”
So, yes I have some ideas. I lived in a punk rock house on a couch. I had a dirt bike and backpack and I slept on the couch. I’ve been evicted, lived in my car. The whole LA starter package, it totally happened. I fell into the going out all the time. It’s one of those “If you could tell your younger self” things. It’s like “wise up”. I was sooo drunk all of the time. What a bummer.

Looking back what the one “I should have never done that” thing?
Oh, there is so many. I can’t even. I don’t have enough fingers to count. Some people are like “No Regrets!” I’m like bullshit, there is nobody who has no regrets, and if you don’t you’re a dick.

What next for you?
I’m going out on tour with a band Phum Viphurit from Thailand at the end of August. I’m kinda like their den-mom. I’m like “I made sandwiched, get in the car, get in the van, get your stuff”. I tell them “Go do sound-check, I’ll get the luggage and take care of dinner”.

He’s is kinda like Jack Johnson. Not exactly my style, but Phum and the whole band are great.  I was out with them a couple years ago and doing it again through the US and Canada.

At this point a large moth/butterfly flies across the porch we are sitting on.
What the hell was that? It’s some big moth of some sort.

Mothra or Mothman?!?
Yea, we got Mothra live
Have you ever been to the Mothman Festival?
Oh yeah, Plesantville?
I went to the psychic fair here yesterday. It was at Hill View Manor. I love all that stuff. I have an insane occult book collection. It’s more or less for reference. Oh, you had a dream about werewolves, let’s see what that means, I have a wall of books that can give many interpretations.
That’s the other thing about this area, Lawrence County; there is a high level of activity. I don’t know if you want to call it paranormal or maybe because it’s old here. I wrote about some of them in the book, some just really weird experiences. That kind of cross over kind of ghostly kind of thing.
I didn’t realize Mary Black was a New Castle thing until I said it outside of New Castle. I’ve been in Pittsburgh and people have no idea what I’m talking about.
Really? I know people in California knew what it was, but didn’t know where it originated from. I’m like “Originators.”
That and The Green Man.
I wrote about The Green Man in the book too. As kids we would hear the legends of that. My friend Jeff would say “If you don’t have cigarettes for him he will tear your arms off. He has super monkey strength”. We were terrified of this whole Green Man thing. My mom heard us and was like “What? No. Not even like that.” The poor guy got burnt and we are going to stare at him. It was kinda messed up, but he’s a legend.

Then there was Zombie Land. This was out by what we called the Heavy Metal Graveyard.  It had these big iron spiked gates like it was a King Diamond album cover. We used to go drink out there all the time. There was supposedly all this Satanic, occult stuff happening out there.  We would all go out there and get scared. Nothing really happened.
I used to work for a construction company in the early 90s. There was an old mechanic guy who worked there. He had to be 60 years old if not older. One day he asks me if I ever heard about the UFO that flew down the streets of Ellwood City or Wampum. He went on to tell this story about how the police chased a UFO through town and that then never were able to catch up to it. He also said that everyone who was close to it, their mouth tasted like pennies.
Oh I never heard that, that sounds like a good one. We were working Bonnaroo one year and our friend Gary; his van got hit by lighting. All the gauges and the speedometer went all crazy; he said “I can’t get this metal taste out of my mouth.” So we would make fun telling him he got abducted by a UFO. We would ask him if lost any time. Did you have a black out? Do you remember driving here?

I went out to Kecksburg Pennsylvania a couple of times. Kecksburg has a UFO event that definitely happened. It’s about an hour or so drive from here. They has a recreation of it right there on the main street. In Kecksburg everything is the same address, the fire department, the VFW, the landmark, everything. The UFO is shaped like a bell and it has these weird hieroglyphics around the edge of it. Apparently it crashed there in 1965 and the Army was there quicker than lighting and loaded it onto a truck and got it out of there. There was all this weird talk about it being part of Die Glocke, the Nazi time travel project.

So when you go there to see the UFO stuff and gift shop, they are like “go here and ring this buzzer.” It’s in the VFW. So we go and ring the bell and say “We are here for the UFO stuff.” They are like “uuuhh ok, I’ll buzz you in.” We walk in and it’s a bar and there is nothing, just an American flag and a bunch of drunk dudes. They are like “oh yea, it’s over there.” It’s a closet. You open the closet and realize somebody didn’t have a laminator back in the day. It is all these newspaper clippings and some are just copies. They just Scotch taped them and they are all peeling off, falling down, and bent over. But I still bought a coffee mug, a t-shirt, a book and all that. I buy all that shit. I love all that Bigfoot and UFO stuff.

As you were writing these stories, who did you see in your mind reading this? Did you imagine it being read by New Castle your family, or something else?
I was writing it more or less in hopes that somebody would make a script or series out of it. So it’s not really to tell people from here since they already know. It more for outsiders and I’m finding that is who is enjoying it more, is those people who aren’t from here.  

Any last points you would like to add?
Just that for the most part I write it to be funny, but it also is about being in dire straits. There is nobody with money living at Crestview Gardens. Its stories about being broke. It’s about trial and tribulation and the hustles that your mom pulls to make things work. It’s funny, but there are things that pull at the heart strings. I mean Crestview is Crestview it was the projects for a lack of a better term. Once HUD took over there were some mentally ill people there that I don’t think really should have been around children. Then at the same time crack became a thing, and that was just insane. I had my ass kidded by adults. I was just a kid, maybe 13 or 14 years old and my mom didn’t even hit me like that. Adults tuned me up as a kid. I wanted Drew Barrymore’s Fire Starter telekinesis and I would have caught everybody on fire cause I was so mad. But the book is funny. It kinda reminds me of “Crooklyn” the Spike Lee movie or some people have said it’s like “Everybody Hates Chris”.

So there you have it, just a taste of the insanity that is Crestview Gardens and New Castle Pennsylvania. If you want to dive deeper into the mystic and lunacy you can get your very own copy of the “Tales of a Crestview Kid” from Amazon.

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Empire Interviews

Psychostick Interview w/ Matty J “Moose”




We talk Games, Touring, and Toxic Crusaders at a Gaming Convention outside of Pittsburgh, PA.

It’s a late summer weekend, and I have a mountain of chores that need to be completed and a to-do list that is a mile long. The air is crisp, and the warm sunlight is bathing the leaves as they begin their Autumn transformation ritual. What better time to be reluctantly dragged to a gaming convention by your teenager?

I am by no stretch of the imagination a gamer and have almost zero interest in the culture and merchandising that surround the industry; however, I was resigned to partaking in a day of gawking at Pokemon merchandise, games I didn’t understand, and mountains of characters about whom I had no knowledge.
We paid our entrance fee and were making our way through the rows and rows of booths as I was half check-out when I noticed a second large convention hall full of video games. It was chalked full of everything from vintage PacMan and Centipede games to the latest console games and even a large section of pinball machines. As I wandered, I heard a blast of noise come from a room off to the side. It was the distinctive sound of a live band. I quickly made my way into the room, where the sound that has been my lifeblood for decades was emanating.

As I stood watching the band play and absorbing the few moments of personal pleasure, I noticed a row of merchandise tables off to the side of the venue. As I pursued the band’s wares with my eyes from a distance, I saw what I thought was the Psychostick logo. I did a double take and realized that yes, in fact, there was a Pychostick merch. table. What? I thought to myself. They must be playing here today! As I examined the scene, I saw what I was pretty sure was Matty J “Moose”, the bass player extraordinaire of Pychostick, standing behind the table. I had to go talk to him. After all, he is the notorious moose antler-wearing bassist from the enigmatic, comedic, and all-around badass band Psychostick.

This is our conversation:

This is a different setting for you, playing at a gaming convention. How different is that from your usual club setting with people looking in and going, “What the hell is that?”
Well, I think most people say, “What is that!?” But we have been doing conventions for almost 10 years.
So you’re all gamers and comic nerds?
All of us except our drummer We forced him to play a video game with us not so long ago. He admittedly had fun. I have played games my whole life, and the other two guys [in the band] are the same in that respect.
So when one of these type of events comes up, you are like, “Sign us up?”
Oh yeah, years ago, we had an offer to play at the Dallas Gaming Expo. It was its first year, and any expo or convention has its growing pains. We had a blast. Unfortunately, they are not still around. From there, we told our booking agent, “Look for more of these things.” People keep hiring us, and it is really cool that we get to do a few of these every year. This is actually the second of three video game conventions that we are doing this year.
You have the TORG Gaming Expo in Columbus coming up.
Yeah, in a few weeks (November 11th), we will be at TORG, and we just did Too Many Games in Philadelphia. That is a yearly thing for us.

Are you guys based on the East Coast?
We are based out of Chicago now. I grew up in New York; our guitar player Josh and our singer Rawrb are from West Texas. Alex, our drummer, is originally from Arizona, and we all live in Chicago for some reason.

It is really fun doing these conventions, considering our last show was a death metal festival. Then we come to these gaming things, and its, well, you know, different.

Well, you guys can fit in most anywhere with a lot of different genres. You can squeeze in here and there.
Oh yeah, it is fun, and I love that we have the demographics that we do. We can captivate and grab them, at least for a little while. Then they get it and realize that, yeah, these guys are funny.  I get it now.

Speaking of the diverse audiences, you got to actually play at Blue Ridge a few weeks ago.
Yeah! That was a rough weekend for a lot of people. Luckily we played at just the right time. We had an AWESOME day at Blue Ridge. I feel really bad for everything that went wrong. We had a fuckin’ blast.

You kind of mentioned it, but to backtrack, can you explain the reaction of strangers seeing you for the first time? Does it mean more to you for somebody to laugh or to start head banging?
That’s like two of my favorite things. That’s why I love being a part of this band. Making people rock out and making people smile are two things that don’t necessarily go together, but we have the honor of being able to do both. That is the best thing somebody could do at a Psychostick show: headbang and giggle. It makes me so happy, and it is a dream come true.

What next for the band—any new material or projects?
If you remember the Toxic Crusaders, they are rebooting the franchise with a feature-length movie. A company called Retroware hired us to do the video game theme song. When they heard it, they liked it and then hired us to do the whole soundtrack. So we are working diligently on that and cranking out a lot of songs for it. It’s kind of weird for us since the style is a bit different for us.

Is it full 3-minute songs or more background music pieces?
The majority are two-minute loops with no vocals, which is quite different for us. The vocals have always been our creative constraint. Most of the songs we do are done vocals first. Well, lyrics first, then we craft the music around the vocal. This has been fun for us to get out of our comfort zone. There have been a couple songs that started with drum riffs. A couple that started with bass riffs and a couple that started with a guitar part. There is a lot of electronic programming going into this. Which is very different for Pychostick to have synth in our metal. It’s kind of cool and really exciting. I’m really excited for people to hear it and for people to play the game. We got to play it, and there is a playable demo on Steam right now. I think it lets you play one or two levels. That’s actually the game we forced our drummer to play. We did a four-player co-op, and it was a blast. I’m so excited that the game doesn’t suck.

What’s the time line for the release of the game?
2024 is all I can say now.

Is the soundtrack going to be a separate release from the game?
I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to say, so take it all with a grain of salt. From what I understand, there is a good chance of the soundtrack being released as a disk. That would be through Retroware. So think of the video game developer as our record company. They are funding it.

We haven’t been on a label in a long time. We were really fortunate in the early days to be with Rock Ridge Records, and they really worked with us. There are so many horror stories about how people get fucked in the music industry. Tom, who was the head of our record label, gave us back our rights and our masters. Really a solid company. We have been independent for a really long time, so it was weird going back into a situation where somebody is paying us to do the music and taking a percentage of it. So, I don’t know; we will see. It’s really fun, and we are doing it to get our foot in the door. Hopefully, we can do more. It’s been a blast. I have nothing negative to say about the process. I’m excited.
It’s one of those situations where you find yourself falling ass-backwards into something.
There was a bit of apprehension within the camp, but I think we all agreed that it would be a good thing for us in the long run, especially since we have worked with this company before. We sort of know some of the guys and gals that work for the company. Ya just gotta go with your gut sometimes. It seemed like a really good move for us. Please, if you read this, go on Steam and wishlist the game. It is called Toxic Crusaders.

Aside from the game, what’s coming down the pipe? Any tour plans?
We haven’t been doing “tours” per se. We have done it for so long and grinded for so long. We have families now, and we are middle-aged or older. Touring is hard. It’s a young man’s game. We did 13 years on the road. That’s a long time. We have been really happy doing these weekend shows. That’s it. We drove out yesterday to Pittsburgh and go back tomorrow and hopefully have some change in our pockets.

The band that was just on stage said something about their van breaking down, and you shouted “You’re a real band now” at them. How much is that a reality for Psychostick?
We are on our third trailer, our second van, and our fifth bass player.

I’ve been in several bands and have done the whole club tour thing. We spend the weekend towing a trailer around the country side, sleeping in bar parking lots, and living off the McDonald’s Dollar menu.
I’ve eaten a lot of dollar menu food and slept on the floors of people I met that night. I slept in the Walmart parking lots. I’ve been sick, sleeping in a sleeping bag with seven guys in a freezing van with frost on the windows.

Speaking of being sick, one of our shows, on the way there, my tooth started killing me. By show time, I was dying. I took a handful of Advil just to get through the set, and then I sat in the truck and let the other guy load all the equipment. I was so over the whole touring and live music thing at that moment.
Our guitar play had the same thing. We have a song called “The Root of All Evil” which is about getting dental work done and how fun it is. We were actually on tour, and he had, I think, an abscessed tooth. He had to get a root canal and all this stuff done. We were on tour, and he just kept putting it off and putting it off. We had a few days off, and we stopped where our drummer was living at the time. He recommended a dentist. He went to the dentist, and she told him, You need to get this fixed today. She said that if you wait any longer, you are going to need to go to the emergency room. It was brutal getting that all done on tour. He had a root canal and extractions; it’s all in the song, so check it out. A true story, and he wrote the bulk of it while going through that shit.

These are some of things that people don’t understand about being out on the road and touring. Simple things like a doctor or dentist
Yeah. I’m going to say the only other guys that have it worse than tour musicians are maybe military guys. I give them a lot of credit. I think, man, I could be in a tank in Afghanistan right now. This show sucks and our van broke down, but at least I’m not in Iraq. I give them a lot of credit. Shout out to the armed forces.

Oh yes. There are such highs and lows too. One night you’re playing to hundreds or thousands of people, and the next night you’re playing to ten people and the bar tenders.
I remember a long time ago when we played this festival. At the time, it was the biggest show we ever played. Then the next show was, like you said, twelve people. But that’s how it goes. You gotta rock just as hard for those twelve people.
I know you go from playing something like the Gathering to playing to nobody.
We had the privilege of playing The Gathering a couple of times. Whoop, Whoop! (He pulled up his sleeve to show me his Hatchetman tattoo.)
There are highs and lows. You get there, and the show is canceled or something.
That is touring, man. I know you can’t see it reading this, but he did this hand motion. His hand was up here at eye level and then all the way down here. That sums up touring. As a road band and the grind, that pretty much sums it up.
Yes. And you drive for hours or days and spend hours unloading and setting up equipment for your 45 minutes or an hour of playing, only to do it all again tomorrow.
We are a glorified t-shirt sales company that specializes in moving and happens to play music for roughly an hour per night.
I was just having a conversation about venues keeping a percentage of merchandise sales.
Oh, that’s a big source of contention in the music industry. I talk to bands about it all the time, everywhere we go. About how it originated and why they are still around. It basically comes down to shitty promoters. Promoters need to do their job. There is a difference between buying a show and promoting a show. Too often, guys who put on shows call themselves promoters because it sounds better than being a buyer. In reality, a lot of guys buy a show and don’t promote it. Fuck those guys. If you reading this and you do this, fuck you. Promote your show. Don’t put all the work on the artist. That’s just bullshit. Especially now, people just make a Facebook post and think they promoted the show.
And that is the scenario where you have 400 people interested and forty show up.
Exactly! People click “I’m going”. That doesn’t mean anything. How many tickets did you sell?
In my bands, if we could, we always tried to print tickets for shows that we had any control over or say over. We would sell the tickets because once somebody lays a few dollars on the line and has a physical ticket in hand, they are a hundred times more likely to show up.
That is great, especially for bands like us. I like seeing local bands who give a shit. It’s really a good thing for local bands to do when you get on a bigger show. And a good promoter will figure out a bill with bands that are just a little different [from the headliner] and help bring in a little bit of a different crowd. That way, you have boots on the ground. That is what old-school street teams used to do.
The musical landscape has changed. This band started in 2000. So the band is 23 years old. We have seen a lot of changes in how things are done between record labels, touring, promoting, and selling merchandise.

We started back with a Myspace page.
Yes, Myspace and radio—that’s how I found Psychostick. There are two things that I really don’t have my hands in anymore. I have satellite radio now, but I listen to WDCB Jazz college radio in the Chicagoland area. Shout out to them.

That’s all the question I have for you now. Anything you want to throw out there for all our readers?
Go to Steam and wishlist the Toxic Crusader game. Go to to find out when we are coming around. Go to and put your info in we will email and/or text you whenever we come to your area. It’s all zip code based so you won’t get spammed with a thousand shows. New music and merch. coming.
I love the pseudo-cookie monster shirt.
Haha, that’s the “So Heavy” shirt. Yeah, so check us out. Spotify, or YouTube, we have a shit-ton of videos on the way. We have been working on some… puppetry. You heard it here first. That’s all I can say.

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Interview with Lance Lopez





Empire Extreme got to talk to Blues Rock Guitarist Lance Lopez whose latest Album “Trouble is Good” is out now. Check out the interview and check out Lance at

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Interview with John “The Butcher” Robert Centorrino of Crystal Lake

George Archibald



​Earlier this year Japan’s Crystal Lake announces that their vocalist is stepping down and that an open audition would be held for one participant to win a spot in the band. Since leaving The Last Ten Seconds of Life, John ‘The Butcher’ Robert Centorrino was toying around with the thoughts of doing band life again until this opportunity came into his life. John recorded a video and entered the contest. John having been picked to audition for the band, would have to perform through a series of live shows with the band in Japan. I was fortunate to speak to John about his musical journey towards becoming Crystal Lake’s newest vocalist and performing with the band on Knotfest and on a large-scale Japanese tour. Also while discovering where his perseverance and self-motivation came from to go through such a journey. 

GA: Lets look back over the last year. Crystal Lake’s vocalist Ryo Kinoshita steps down, and the band is faced with looking for a replacement. How did you get involved with the band?

JC: I can’t remember if I came across it (the news) on Instagram or someone sent it to me, and they were like, “yo, Crystal Lake lost their singer.” People just telling me to look at this, and because I was such a fan of the band, one of the first things that pops into my head is: I could do that.  I could definitely DO that. I initially kind of didn’t try, even though I felt confident. I didn’t know if I wanted to tour anymore. I just went through this entire experience. I’m really learning how to love my life and myself, and I’m finding myself appreciating the things that are around me. Then one morning I woke up, and started scrolling the gram as many do, and I forget his name but a Gary something, kind of an abrasive dude but he is really cool to talk to.  He said something like; If you are fucking good at something, do it. What the fuck are you doing just sitting around? Most people aren’t good at anything. If you are good at something and people want you to do it, and like what you do, go ahead and do it. I just remember watching that and it made me feel like,’ yea what the fuck am I doing? Alright I’m going to do this.’ Then I was like; alright here we go, foot to the floor type shit. 

GA: The band held a contest for participants to audition for the vacant vocalist position, what was that period like for you? 

JC: Yes, they had an open audition on their website setup, where they had all the stipulations and rules, they wanted you to follow for your audition. The things they were looking for in a singer. I kind of had a half and half of what they were looking for, and me being the New York guy that I am saw a couple things that they wanted that I didn’t have. So, I figured if they liked my voice none of this is going to matter. This isn’t high school; this is a band. For instance, I can’t speak Japanese, but I will go learn Japanese. If they like my voice, they are going to take me. So even though I didn’t know anything Japanese other than how to say konnichiwa at the time. I don’t care, I don’t know Japanese; I will learn Japanese and show these guys how much I want to be a part of their band. I just entered the competition. I went to Austin Coope from Prison Lives, and he helped me do the first video. We did it really raw. I sang it through maybe twice; and he kept the first take and that was the first audition they got.  We didn’t do a lot of editing to the video either, because we wanted it to be super raw and super live, so that they could judge the character of the voice. A couple day later I got an email from them, and I was like, hell yea let’s fucking go!Then the panic started. 

GA: Having been well seasoned in traveling from your former touring bands and seen a lot of the world, what was your first impression of Japan when you first arrived for the contest? 

JC: I couldn’t believe how clean everything was. I stepped out of the airport into the subway, and I was like the floor wasn’t black. The yellow lines are still bright yellow. Everything looked brand new, but it wasn’t. I was also very impressed with the level of organization. In New York, when you go to get on the train for instance, no one stands in a single filed line. People just crowd the door and get on. In Japan, the first thing I noticed was everyone was standing in lines outside of the train. They were standing in these specific marked areas. People would stick to one side when using an escalator and use the open side for people to be able to walk past if someone was in a rush, which is not a thing in America, you would get stuck on that escalator, or like twenty people will bumrush to get in front of you to board a train. That kind of behavior isn’t a thing over here. The first things I noticed were: the organization, how on point everybody is, how courteous everyone is, and how clean everything was. Even, the white floor in the airport was white, there wasn’t even any shoe marks on the floor. They are like a very thoughtful society over there. 

GA: During the contest, you looked and performed like the professional you are. In what ways did you prepare to be onstage with the band? What were some of your favorite parts of that process? 

JC: Back then I didn’t have a set up at my house (I do now), so practicing was super frustrating and annoying because I like to play live. So, you don’t have all the MO of the adrenaline and the crowd flipping out. I started singing a full set every single day to prepare. I would put on a set of headphones in my bathroom, and scream into an unplugged microphone to get the general feeling. I would do it in my bathtub naked so I could just sweat out into the tub and not my clothes; then just turn on the shower. Every single day I would sing the entire set. Even if I didn’t sing, I would still do my warmups. I put a lot more thought into the preparation and care of everything I do.  I guess what I did was, I did all the tour stuff off of tour, at home to get myself as prepared as possible. I have been listening to Crystal Lake songs… when I say repeat, I mean on repeat. I haven’t listened to any other music in a while. Very rarely now do I get a chance to put on someone else’s band and take a moment to listen to something, because I am constantly learning new songs. The band changes the set up almost every other show, so we are always adding in new music, and trying to do something different. So, I’m taking the OCD of tour and implementing it into my daily life. 

GA: In what ways was this different from any of the bands you worked with in the past? Was there a language barrier or having to work out things with the band prior to performing? 

JC: For language we have a slight barrier. It was a little more when I first showed up compared to now. They not only stepped up their language game as well as myself, but we have also gotten used to the words each of us say. We understand what we are all talking about now. Crystal Lake records every performance we do. If we are in the studio or on stage, there is a camera rolling. At the end of that session, everyone sits to watch the video. Everyone will dissect the video and nitpick parts of the performance. Some people will find that frustrating, but me being the ocd guy that I am, and always wanting to put on my best, I am always striving to get better. They are super professional, and on point with noticing everything that is going on. They want to make sure every set is just as good if not better than the last. They are not about back tracking their performances. There is a lot of preparation in the live set. In America, a lot of bands have this improvised take on their set where they will randomly stop and take a break and the band kind of waits. We all know every single point of when we are going to talk, what we are going to say. We know where everyone is on stage throughout the set. I know when YD is going to jump off stage, so we are never in each other’s way. 

GA: It’s not like a show, but more of a production. 

JC: Yes, that’s a great way of putting it. It’s more like a play and less like a random rock show. Everything you see on stage is preconceived; some stuff is still random. We assume that the crowd is going to be giving a lot of reactions, so we want to give them as big as a reaction during our planning. That way it feels natural when we go out there, but for the most part we know what each other is going to do. 

GA: Jumping ahead, you are announced as the new vocalist of Crystal Lake, I think by this point everyone in the metal community has been following your journey and rooting for you along the way, what are your first thoughts now that you have the gig? 

JC: My first thought when I got the gig was, I wanted to look at all the things I used to do in Last 10 and I dissected those moments in this way. What was I doing in Last 10 that was a little extra that I don’t really have to do here? What was I compensating for, doing those extra things? How can I gain more fans on my side or accept me? I didn’t always feel like a super fan favorite when I was in Last 10. I always felt like someone always had something to say about anything I was trying to do. I tried to get rid of all of that, in the sense that I want to take your ammunition, not that I don’t want to be me. I want to give you excuses to talk shit, not that I want to give you reasons. I dissected myself as a musician and looked at where I could trim the fat. I feel like I didn’t have to do too much of that.

To be honest, (Crystal Lake) they are pushing to have me go crazier and be more of an animal. To be more of a psycho on stage. In my other bands I was told: ‘maybe don’t be so crazy, don’t do something like that, people might not like it.’ Crystal Lake is like hey if that looks cool then do it. Crystal Lake’s image is to be out of their minds. Their stage presence is wild.  They don’t want you to be reserved, they want you to let go. I got to come out of my shell more and more being around those guys. I loved being in my other band. I have no disrespect forthose guys, I still love all those dudes. The new members are my friends, I only don’t talk to one person. I still really respect that band, it’s just a different MO being in a metalcore band as opposed to being in a deathcore band. Deathcore is a little more aggressive and like stern face. While Metalcore is a little more party. I love deathcore, but I am a metalcore kid at heart. 

GA: After the announcement of you getting the vocalist position, Crystal Lake got you started off quite quickly with a trial by fire playing Knotfest and following that up with a tour of big shows throughout Japan. What was it like to perform for such large foreign crowds overseas? 

JC: There is so much to say that performing over in Japan and their crowd and just playing in the East. Knotfest was twenty-some thousand people, something insane like that. When the band stops and is just talking the crowd is dead silent. People aren’t on their phones, no one is scrolling social media, it’s weird and I’m still getting used to it. In America, when people talk it’s kind of a good thing, and when the crowd gets quiet, it’s like oh shit something is wrong. Over here though everyone gets super quiet. I’ve played bigger shows before but never stadium shows, and when they do yell, your bones shake, it’s a lot of people. Those aspects were really different but super fun. When you watch thousands of people jump up and down with you, the adrenaline is unreal. These shows have crazy energetic fans, they are open to having fun, which has made it super fun for me. 

GA: How are you adjusting to the Japanese lifestyle? Any plans to relocate to Japan or have the band transplant to America in the future? 

JC: I don’t know about moving but I am adjusting very well. I like it out here, and I have learned a lot of Japanese as well. I can read the language, but I am still working on reading Kanji, which is the super complicated symbols that are shared with China. I love the food; the food here is so delicious. Asian food is some of my favorite to eat. I live at the Asian restaurants, you can guarantee I’m coming back to the venue with won ton soup, pho, or ramen. I’m really in my glory when it comes to the food. I have noticed that eating American food, that if I eat on military base where everything is coming from America my stomach hates it. I also love how everyone is super courteous, and polite. Everything is clean, and that things are relatively cheap except for the train. The hardest thing must be when the sun comes up, by about 3:15 am the sun is rising. The sky is blue, and the streetlights are still on, and the sun is coming up, it’s nuts. So, if you wake up at 4 am it’s bright as fuck out. You think it must be 7 am, then look at your phone and see 4:30 am and it’s like what the fuck. The world is awake, and it’s insane. That must be the hardest part for me.  

GA: You just announced that Crystal Lake is dropping a new music on June 23rd ‘Denial // Rebirth.’ What was it like working YD and crew on new material? 

JC: It’s awesome! It’s like working with myself, we are all on the same page with the ideas we have. They are all very open to discussing every little bit. It has been rare for me to be in a bandand pitching an idea and be like let’s try it. As opposed to you tell someone, and their first reaction is nah I don’t like it, but in CL I can be like I have an idea, and I’ll tell them about it, and they tell me to show them. They want to hear what it would sound like. Sometimes they will be like that’s good, but I don’t know if I like that for this part here, and other times they are like that’s great, I love it. Writing with them has been very smooth, stress free and a lot of fun, because we are all on the same page. We also record a lot of our own stuff so (when presented to the group) we know what we are going to do, and when we are going to do it. That process has helped quite a bit. Also, Denial// Rebirth is two songs, Denial is a short intro song which feeds into the longer Rebirth. 

GA: What can listeners expect from the Butcher era of Crystal Lake? Any new tricks in the bag we haven’t seen on previous recordings? 

JC: More clean singing, and more of the highs that I used to do in My Bitter End. I brought back more of my metal screams. It’s less focus on gutturals and more on aggressive catchiness, while being epic as fuck. I’m singing like me over Crystal Lake, its not as thuggish as per say when I was with Last 10, it’s a bit more calculated. The lyrics have more meaning this time around. Denial//Rebirth is about me denying how angry I was as a human and realizing that I need to get over this and around it. When you act like a piece of shit, you deserve all the bad shit that happens to you. There’s a line in the song,’ I deserve pain, I deserve nothing. I deserve the blame on me. ‘It’s about when you are being an asshole, you deserve for asshole things to go down. If you can turn that around, you will have good things happen to you. I accepted the fact that the universe has more power in it than what I give it credit for. If you open yourself up to the fact that there is more power beyond your physical realm, and you understand that it has peace and power for you; you talk to it and live for it, things happen. I literally asked the universe for this. I was watching all the celebrities at home, and they are constantly, ‘I thank God, I thank God.’ But none of these people are religious. They aren’t talking about God; they are talking about the universe. I was like listen to me: I want this, I need this, I need you to help me do this with me. Let’s fucking do this. It gave me such peace and energy, and it allowed me to feel like I could get on top of it and make it a reality. The new era of me in Crystal Lake is me using my anger as a positive weapon. I’m not angry needlessly. I’m like George Carlin. I’m angry because I’m fucking disappointed in how we act as humans. I see so much more potential in us as a species than what we give ourselves credit for. We treat each other like absolute shit. So, I am trying to tap into that part of my personality now, but not in such a malicious way. I don’t look for a reason to be pissed off anymore, I let it come find me. 

GA: What is something you’d want Crystal Lake fans to know about you? 

JC: I don’t know… maybe that I am not trying to replace Ryo, and not trying to be Ryo, and I don’t say that in any way of disrespect. I have so much respect for that dude, not only as a performer but as a vocalist and as a person. I want people to understand that when they hear Crystal Lake; This is not me trying to put on someone else’s shoes, I came to the game with my own set of cleats. I’m going to play the game, the way I play the game. I’m here to be me, that is why I am in the band. 

GA: What do you look forward to with your future in Crystal Lake? Any shows or goals you all are trying to achieve? 

JC: We want to win a Grammy. We are constantly thinking about that, we want to win a Grammy. Our aim is to write music that makes everyone say, oh shit this is the best band ever. We are looking forward to writing more catchy songs, writing more heavy riffs, playing as awesome as possible, making as many people happy as we possibly can with what we are doing, and we want it all. Give us the gold. That’s what you can expect. 

GA: What’s next for you? I seen that My Bitter End is reforming for a show, what brought that to light?

JC: Unfortunately, what happened was, our original guitarist Stretch passed away. It was really shot for all of us. Some of us were closer to him than others in the band, Stretch was our family. There have been tons of members in MBE, but we are a team. We are a family. All the members talk to one and other. We all hang out, we all are friends, there is not this separation of generations of the band. When we play a show, the whole band is there regardless of if the members are playing or not. When Stretch died, it was terrible for the original guys. It’s been a couple of years since we played, let’s do a reunion. Let’s have a reunion for Stretch. We hit up Mike Ranne, who is kind of the main organizer of MBE. He’s basically the boss. He’s a very good boss and welcomes all our opinions. He got everyone together to do this for Stretch. We are all so excited for this show that we have been talking about possibly writing new material. It is an idea we have been toying around with, maybe we will, maybe we won’t. 

GA: Anything else you’d like to say? 

JC: I’m so excited that everyone is so hyped on what we are doing with Crystal Lake. I can’t wait for these new songs to come out. I am confident people are going to go crazy over it. CL is going to keep writing, besides these two songs there is a handful of other ones we are playing with and working on. Expect new music from us. We are pushing to get back on tour full time. 

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