Empire Extreme LiveStream Reviews
Avatar Ages: Livestream

Avatar the Swedish metal big top freak show are doing a series of livestreams in the month of January. The series is called Avatar Ages. Dreams is the first chapter.

This includes the latest album Hunter Gather in its entirety and the second part of the livestream is some of Avatars greatest hits. Dreams looked and sounded amazing. Avatar always puts on a hell of a show. Moving from stage to stage Avatar makes you bang your head along with the band.
Dreams is unlike most livestreams. Some I’ve seen you can tell that’s it’s been prerecorded with prerecorded vocals. You can hear that Johannes vocals are raw and real, which just adds to why Avatar is at the top of the Swedish metal bands. With costumes changes you get a Multitude of different Avatar looks.
After a little intermission the second half started opening up with The Eagle Has Landed. With Johannes on the piano. He’s such an amazing frontman with his facial expressions and onstage antics. Even the King himself had a little montage and came out on stage sitting on his throne while rocking out on the guitar and fireworks are behind him. Pulling out other great songs like Let It Burn, Bloody Angel, Smells like a Freakshow, and ending the night with Hail To The Apocalypse.

Part 2 of the Livestream is called Illusions. This time fans got to choose the favorite songs off of the Feathers&Flesh album and Avatar Country.
Opening up with Regret with Johannes once again back on the piano. This was a perfect way to start Illusions. For the Feathers&Flesh part of the show songs like House of Eternal Hunt, Tooth, Beak and Claw, Black Waters and ending this part with Raven Wine.
For the Avatar Country: Avatar did a lounge version of Glory of Our King with Johannes once again on the piano. Songs like Statue of the King, King’s Harvest, and ending with King after King.

Once again Avatar shows why the are one of the best bands to watch, between killer songs, a frontman who entertains like no one else, and a band behind him that are so bad ass. Jonas Jarslby who’s the king of Avatar country is such a bad ass Guitarist and just mesmerizes you. And drummer John Alfredsson is so quirky and insane looking while he plays these insane drum beats.
Part 3 Madness: For this livestream Avatar let the fans choose favorite tracks from Black Waltz and Hail The Apocalypse. Opening up with Hail The Apocalypse which is always fun to watch with Johannes playing an old time wind up radio while the band plays. What a perfect way to open up with a track that makes you go crazy while the band is all head banging. So much hair.
This livestream has been my favorite of the 3 so far. With some of my favorite songs like Torn Apart, Blod, Let it Burn, Paint it Red, and Bloody Angel.
During the songs Black Waltz, Johannes brought out some balloons. Popping them throughout the song, and hitting his band mates with them. Of course it wouldn’t be an Avatar livestream without Johannes playing the piano once again this time on the track Tower. I love how the band interacts between the room, it’s like a huge sound stage and just reminds me of a movie set. During Puppet Show Johannes once again shows his many skills and goes to one of the doors and pulls out a trombone and plays. Ending the night with Smells like a Freakshow. One of favorite quotes before they started the song “from Mexico City to NY City, to what ever fucking city you’re in” also “you made it to the last song , it’s ok if the TV falls over” and ending the night with “see you next week, wash your fucking hands”

Part 4: The final chapter of the Avatar livestream experience is called Memories. Which is a perfect title for this one. Not only is Avatar bringing back songs off the first three albums which some haven’t been played in years, Avatar had an opening band. Who was this opening band? Well it was a young and eager band called Avatar back in the early 2000s showing how much they can demand a crowd and rock out. It was a huge difference to what we know of Avatar now, but I love seeing the old school stuff and find out the roots to this amazing band.
Avatar opened up the with Johannes on a couch talking about how being a band and practicing in a space and trying to become what you want to be. Then bam into Schlacht with the band stripped down with no crazy outfits and no gimmicks just pure Swedish metal.

This time the stage was set to look almost like bedroom space that many of us who have been in bands have made so much music. The first part had songs like My Shining Star, Die With Me, and All Hail the Queen.
In-between the set they had a little montage of photos and videos of the bands through out the years. It was a very cool video to see the band from early on to what we know Avatar is now. One of the many reasons why I love this band is their down to earth no bullshit rockstar way of life.
The second half of the setlist brought out songs like The Great Pretender, Out of our Minds, PigFucker and ending the night with Lullaby (death all over)This time back on the main stage.
Throughout all four of these livestreams, the main thought is that Avatar Is and always will be a kick ass band. No matter the songs, no matter the style Avatar is king. I love me some Swedish metal and Avatar is on the list of the best. I hope that they make this into a DVD for fans who didn’t get a chance to check this out. Would be a cool piece of Avatar history to own and look back into a time of distant concerts during the pandemic.
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Empire Extreme LiveStream Reviews
Steel Panther “ Fans Come First” Livestream Review

The Boys in Steel Panther have done it again. This time letting us fans come first, which I’ve heard has to be very quick because the band has been known to cum very fast.
Playing at the famous Viper Room in LA. Steel Panther rocked it like only they can do. Satchel took away the permed hair this time saying that too many people were making fun of him for it.
Opening up with Eyes of a Panther, Steel Panther was ready to kick some ass. In between songs the band always does their world famous chit chat which has become so epic that even us photographers now have a time limit instead of the usual 3 songs you’re out. Also in between songs they played some video submissions of fans showing the love to Steel Panther. One video also showed some fans collections which was insanely huge.
During this livestream Steel Panther broke the internet and the feed went out, on the chat page it was said that the feed got covid. Steel Panther played a good variety of songs like Tiger Woods, Poontang Boomerang, Asian Hooker. The band also played a snippet of Final Countdown which sounded like Ozzy Osbourne doing a cover of it. Lexi also attempted to sing REM’s End of the World. Ending with Death to all but Metal and Gloryhole, just made me really miss live shows and miss seeing Steel Panther live. I just hope that when we get to see them again that they still let us “come” first.
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Empire Extreme LiveStream Reviews
Korn “Monumental” Stream review

On April 23rd Korn premiered its larger than life Stream to the world. Starting off with some Q&A and Behind the scenes on making this stream.

Korn said that they are pulling out some deep cuts and songs they haven’t played in a long time, I’m anxious to hear what’s on the list.

Playing at the Stranger Things Drive in experience in LA. The stage was massive with lights all over and digital screens. Opening up with “Victimized” this was a killer way to start up the stream and just let you know that you’re in for a hell of a ride.

Korn pulled out a little from almost all of the 13 albums they have released. Songs like “Insane”, “Black is the soul” and “Alone I Break”. My favorites of the night had to be “Dirty” and “Ball Tongue”. Korn didn’t play anything of of Life is Peachy album which I was a little sad about.

Overall the Stream was amazing the sights were awesome, I really loved the drones that flew by and showed you LA at night. The sound was killer just like being there in person. If you’re a fan of Korn this is an essential stream to watch at it showcases why Korn has been relevant for 25+ years. Go on KornLive.com and check it out.
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Empire Extreme LiveStream Reviews
Twiztid 420 Livestream


The Demented Duo better known as Twiztid, had a livestream event on April 20th 2021 better known as 4:20.
This livestream brought out all pot smokers because like Twiztid has said before “If it ain’t green it ain’t us”. Bringing along with them MNE(Magic Ninja Entrainment) artists ABK(Anybody Killa) and Blaze Ya Dead Homie.

ABK opened up with the show with a guy on stage dressed in a marijuana suit blazing it up. It’s been a while since I’ve seen ABK back in the Psychopathic Days, but he always puts on a killer set. I was glad to hear some old school songs like “Gang Related”
Blaze came on next, and you know for a man who’s been dead for all these years he’s very spruce and lively. Just as with ABK, I haven’t seen Blaze in a long time as well and loved when he pulled out old school songs like “Shotgun” and “Nasty”
Twiztid was up next coming right out the gate with Michael Meyers and Jason in the background as always. Opening up with Bagz and So High. Twiztid also played songs like “Whoop Whoop” and “ Kill Somebody”. Twiztid brought out ABK and Blaze and did a few songs with them like “ Pass it Back” And Ka- Boom!

In between a few songs they had a like Documentary that talked about Twiztid History. How the two met, the first time Monoxide heard Madrox rap, forming Twiztid from failed music endeavors, to how rock has always been a part of Twiztid History. Them bringing in Drayven on drums and the new album to come out in the summer Unlikely Prescription which will be more rock/metal than rap.

Twiztid played a few songs off the new album to come out like Rose Petals. Monoxide was wearing a robbers mask while they did the heavier songs with Drayven in the back. Killing it on drums like he’s always done. Ending the night with “Rock the Dead” and “ We don’t Die”.

Twiztid also released a 4:20 Mini Album called Electric Lettuce. Catering to those of the Cannabis persuasion. Check that shit out and get ready for the new album.
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