CD Reviews
Cattle Decapitation Terrasite Album Review
Terrasite by Cattle Decapitation

Today, 05/12/2023, saw the release of the 8th studio album from San Diego’s own Cattle Decapitation. The follow up to 2019s Death Atlas, Terrasite shows how a band can grow and evolve while staying true to their roots. Starting as a grind band in the late 90s and with relentless touring and continual releases this album shows them further building upon elements of their previous albums.
The album has great production. The copy I used primarily for my review is the vinyl version which is 45 RPM and it sounds great. In particular, I think the drum production is particularly well executed. A lot of times with death metal the kick drum is either too “bassy” so it’s difficult to hear or it’s the other way and you can hear all the hits without the bass tone. This album is a great balance of the two. You can hear clearly how fast drummer, Dave McGraw, is going without losing the “thump”. The blast beats alone will rattle the brain. The guitars are grimy and dirty with some blistering leads. The bass rattles while still having a solid low end. You can really hear it in songs like “Solastalgia” which has a small bass lead in it which I didn’t see coming and was pulled off great.
The vocals, I feel compelled to say that Travis Ryan has to be one of the most underrated and versatile vocalists in metal. Highs that make the ears bleed, lows that are gurgling, wet and gross sounding. Harsh singing reminiscent of 80s thrash bands, and clean singing that are almost, but not quite, reminiscent of the late Peter Steele from Type O Negative.

Lyrically they stay on brand ranging from the end of humanity, apocalyptic themes, and mistreating humans the same way humans mistreat animals. Very dark and grotesque subject matter. When asked about the lyrics to this album Ryan states “I wanted to do the 180° opposite of Death Atlas – I wanted this to take place in the daylight. I’ve always found daytime horror to be really unsettling so I wanted to make sure what was going on on the cover took place in the light of day, which also finds its place within the lyrics.”
Tracks like “A Photic Doom” showcase traditional style death metal guitar riffing, with elements of tech death and slam. “Dead End Residents” leans into some of the darker ends of thrash metal and is reminiscent of bands like Slayer. “Scourge of the Offspring” shows an impressive command of melody without sacrificing the grime that covers the album while almost coming off as anthemic.
The album closes with the ten minute epic “Just Another Body” which begins with a piano melody that would be at home in a late 70s era horror movie while building into something that’s not quite death, not quite thrash, and not quite grind. Ryan uses the full range of his voice while there are symphonics layered in the background to keep the melody from being lost while still playing with grind based riffs and blast beats.
Overall if you’re looking for a strong contender for death metal album of the year I will highly recommend this. As of this writing I haven’t been able to stop listening to it for three days now. The album currently available on all the usual streaming platforms and physical copies can be purchased here. (
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CD Reviews
Marilyn Manson is Back

Marilyn Manson just released his 12th album “One Assassination Under God-Chapter 1” on November 22nd 2024.

This album in my opinion is the best album Manson has put out since Holy Wood. It has a feeling of albums old and new with little hints of Antichrist Superstar, Mechanical Animals and Holy Wood.
The album opens up with “One Assassination Under God” which just gets you ready for what’s to come. With Manson Just finishing his tour, This is the Manson we have been needing for years now. He looks good and sounds great.

Putting out a few singles from the album , the overall feeling of this album is great. It’s been a while since I’ve like a full album of Manson, while this album isn’t perfect it’s as close as perfection of those early albums were. Of course I love the singles “As Sick as the Secrets we Keep” and “Raise the Red Flag” but I also really enjoyed songs like “Death is not a costume”, “Nod if you understand” and “Sacrilegious”

I think this new chapter of Mansons life and music is exciting , I hope we get more tours in 2025 and maybe some over the top stage shows like we did in the late 90s early 2000s. I feel the younger generation hasn’t experience a real “Full” on Manson show yet and it’s time for the King to take back his throne at the top of the Shock Rock mountain.
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I remember when this album came out in 1994 . I was 15 and really discovering all types of music. As being a typical teenage boy I seen the band name “Bush” and thought hmm I love bush, let’s check it out. It was such an amazing album from beginning to end.

The new released vinyl that just came out on November 17th is such a testament to this album being as great then as it is now. Listening to the vinyl just brought back so many memories of being an angst teenager that just wanted to heard. The vinyl package is amazing with lots of photos of the band throughout the years and the sound of the vinyl is so pristine.

I got my hands on the opaque red vinyl and just looks awesome spinning on the player. It’s crazy to think that this album has so many hits and no filler songs, even the songs that didn’t become hits are just as good as the hits.
With the hits being “Glycerine”, “Everything Zen” , “Comedown” “Little Things” and “Machinehead” but some of my favorite songs are not the hits songs like “Swim”, “Bomb” and “Alien” which is probably my favorite song on the album. If you’re a fan of Bush or this album or just want to dive into the mid 90s Grunge/Post Grunge era this is a key album to have in your collection.
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CD Reviews

Alice In Chains have Re-Released the 2009 album on vinyl. This album was the first Alice In Chains in 14 years and the first album with guitarist/singer Willam DuVall after Layne Staley passed away in 2002.

I was a huge Alice In Chains fan and was a big fan of both Layne and Jerry. When this album first came out I remember sorta pushing it the side only cause of sadness about Layne but after hearing “Check My Brain” I gave it a chance and was so glad that I did. This album is amazing and really put Alice In Chains back into the mainstream.

The vinyl not only looks super awesome but sounds amazing. If you’re a fan of Alice In Chains and into collecting Vinyl, this album is a must in your collection. It’s a great packed vinyl with 2 vinyls included.

Side A: All Secrets Known, Check My Brain and Last of My Kind. Side B: Your Decision, A Looking in View. Side C: When The Sun Rose Again, Acid Bubble, Lesson Learned. Side D: Take Her Out, Private Hell, Black Gives Away To Blue