Music News
Sci-Fi/Horror legend John Carpenter releasing more music… by: JJ Ulizio

Sci-Fi/Horror legend John Carpenter releasing more music…
by: JJ Ulizio
If you are a sci-fi and horror movie nerd such as myself, then you no doubt know who John Carpenter is. For those of you who don’t, he has created many classic genre films like Assault on Precinct 13, The Fog, Escape from New York, The Thing (two of my all-time favorites), and the legendary Jamie Lee Curtis horror/slasher film Halloween.
One of the many things that make a lot of Mr. Carpenters films what they are is the musical scores or soundtracks that they have. Many of which give those films the moody, dark and, a lot of the time, unique atmosphere that lets the viewer know that they are watching a John Carpenter film. What some people might not realize is that a lot of those films, most notably Halloween & Escape from New York had themes and scores written and performed by Mr. Carpenter himself.
2015 saw the release, to critical acclaim, of Mr. Carpenter’s first album of all new, non-film oriented, material entitled Lost Themes. Just last month saw the release of his follow up album, Lost Themes II.
While both albums are amazing in my book, what has me currently excited is what’s coming next. To commemorate his film score work and to give his fans something fun to chew on he has rerecorded 4 of the scores from some of his most beloved films: The Fog, Assault on Precinct 13, Halloween, and (featured below) my personal favorite Escape from New York. These songs will be released on 12” double –A-side vinyl versions beginning June 17th from Sacred Bones records. Halloween and Escape will be on one, and Assault and The Fog will be on the other. He will also be featuring, only at his live shows, exclusive red and blue vinyl editions available for purchase.
Oh yeah, did I mention live shows? I think I just did. Anyway Mr. Carpenter has put together a live band, featuring his son Cody and his godson Daniel Davies and together they will be embarking on a tour featuring domestic and international dates which can be found here. Make sure to check out John Carpenter: Live Retrospective when it hits a city near you and see what I can only imagine is a beautiful combination of his new original musical compositions in conjunction with his classic film scores. I know when the tour hits near me, I’m planning on attending.
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Music News

Creed who just recently reunited and about to embark on tour. Re-Released their 2004 Greatest Hits on Vinyl. It’s got a nice clean look and sound to it. It comes with 2 vinyls and has 13 tracks. The thing I found interesting is that in the song “What’s this Life For” the God of Goddamn is edited off the track.
The vinyl comes in many variants from Walmart and Target. If you are a fan of Creed this vinyl is a must in your collection . Go buy the vinyl and go check out Creed when they come to a city near you.
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Music News
N.a.s.H. “Vox Populi”

NY. Rock and Roll band N.a.s.H. Have just put out a new single “Vox Populi”. If you’re into good ole rock and roll that’s gritty and fun this band is someone to check out. It’s very “commercial” rock like in the style of band like Creed and Nickelback, which isn’t a bad thing if you’re into that. The video has a cool silhouette style to it and is a fun song.
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CD Reviews

As we near the collapse of mankind and the imminent doom of our political system, a perfect stage has been set for the outspoken rebels to flood the airwaves with dissident upheaval bathed in musical bliss. With the end looming, no greater landscape could welcome the reemergence of the enigmatic Al Jourgensen and company with their latest release, HOPIUMFORTHEMASSES, via Nuclear Blast Records. Scheduled for a March 1st 2024 release, Uncle Al, along with guitarist Cesar Soto, Paul D’Amour, formerly of TOOL, on bass, John Bechdel on keys, Roy Mayorga (ex-STONE SOUR) on drums, and newly added guitarist Monte Pittman, form the current incarnation of the long-lived Ministry.

This album is an open-book commentary on our American society at large, bathed in slow-burn angst and distortion injected with punk rock/thrash riffs and samples galore.
Within the opening seconds of track one, a female voice proclaims, “What was once forbidden becomes fringe, and what was once fringe becomes mainstream.” Soon Al’s vocals take over with a distorted and effect heavy declaration of “horny little boys filled with hormones and hate, waging war on women ‘’cause they can’t get a date,” thus laying the groundwork for the entire album. As “B.D.E.” (Big Dick Energy) continues, a heavy yet simplistic guitar riff drives the song forward while increasing the energy level and tempo. Al’s vocals continue with his immediate, recognizable attitude and tone, stating, “No one can justify the toxic behavior.”
“Goddamn White Trash” is perhaps the most accessible and rythematic song on the release. It has hints of the Psalm 69 days of the band. Chants of “USA, USA” ring out along side screeching guitar noise reminiscent of Mike Scaccia’s playing style.
Track three is titled “Just Stop Oil,” and it dives into yet another realm of political advocacy. Jourgensen delivers, “Dehumanization at a cellular level. Policy set by the corporate devils, There must be resistance, we cannot be silenced, There is the existence of possible violence” in a growled whisper.
On the track “Aryan Embarrassment,” we are treated to a none-more-fitting guest appearance from what I believe is activist and Dead Kennedys front man Jello Biafra, who delivers a rap-style series of vocal lines backed by a driving rhythm. Jello wails, “How on Earth did all this happen? Plagues of militantly stupid” Followed by “Scamming on the punk scene. Oi, oi, oi. Ain’t proud of you boys at all.”
Another standout track is “New Religion” which starts with a classic industrial riff and buries itself in the repetitive, slow-burn heaviness that has become the Ministry standard as of late. Followed by “It’s Not Pretty,” which opens as a haunting acoustic piece that I imagine being set in a post apocalyptic landscape with the reverberating lyrics “It’s not pretty. This is the end of the world to me. This is the end of society.”
“Cult of Suffering” strays from the format of the balance of the album and could be firmly placed on an Alabama 3 album, and it may feel at home on a Surgical Meth Machine release.
Rounding out the album is a little ditty called “Ricky’s Hand.” This is a synth pop throwback to the early days of Ministry and leaves us longtime fans eager to hear the longtime teased rerecording of some of the very early Ministry material. This track has a Devo, Information Society, and even Depeche Mode feel to it and is a perfect bookend to a solid release from an iconic band.
Ministry will be on tour throughout the summer with Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper and Helmet.

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